Wellness Question

Wellness Question

Stage 1 – At the start of this semester, you completed the Health Risk Assessment and the Goal Assignment sheet. At that time you wrote a goal for a health related behavior you wanted to improve over the course of the semester. You were to have tracked your progress in reaching this goal, writing out the goal and the action steps you were taking, and using a notebook or log to record changes and progress, or lack thereof.

Stage 2 – Now, at the end of the semester, you will write a 3-4 page paper that outlines your efforts at making this behavior change. Normal MLA style formatting, including in text citations. Discussion points for your writing include:

  • Reason for selecting the goal you chose.
  • Write out the actual goal as you first set it out.
  • How often did you assess your progress?
  • What action steps did you use to try and reach your goal?
  • Summary of your progress – be specific here, use numbers. Did you or did you not achieve your goal? Was your progress consistent?
  • Factors that helped you reach your goal or that hindered you in achieving it.
  • Specific examples of how other people who knew about your goal impacted your attempt at behavior change
  • Future implications – how will this impact you now that class is ending? Will you continue to work on this goal or move on to something new?

Answer preview

The reasons as to why I choose to improve my nutrition includes, nutritious food helps one in reducing the risk of suffering from diseases as they provide the body with the necessary nutrients needed in boosting the immunity of the body. The second reason is nutritious food helps in lowering the high levels of cholesterols in the body. High cholesterol makes it difficult for proper blood circulation in the body through clogging of the blood vessels. The third reason is to build and raise my confidence level; being in good shape and health will help me be more confident in performing my day-to-day activities, thus increasing my overall productivity (Lean 2021). The fourth reason was to increase my flexibility through vigorous exercises to improve my reflex abilities and reduce the chances of getting injuries.


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