What are our database concerns

What are our database concerns

Computer Information Systems 111

“What are our database concerns?” Please respond to the following:

(Note: This video is not meant to be political but to foster discussion in database concepts on database breaches that you should always think about when you design databases)

  • Watch this video:

 Watch Video Sanders and Clinton Discuss the DNC Database Breach

User: n/a – Added: 12/19/15

YouTube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ac2Ty3dUoj4

  • In this video, how was the effect of the database security breach? (Please stay away from politics and respond to database concepts)
  • Should we be concerned about database security? Why or Why not?
  • How would you prevent database breaches?
Attachments area

Preview YouTube video Sanders and Clinton Discuss the DNC Database Breach

Sanders and Clinton Discuss the DNC Database Breach
Answer Preview
Computer information system has brought a lot of benefits to the world and also the country at large, however, its main challenge still remains to be security breach. This mainly happens when the information of a person or company is hacked and can be viewed by unauthorized individuals which leads to exposure of vital information. For instance, the database…
(457 Words)
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