Which Religion and Why?

Which Religion and Why?

In this discussion post you will explain which of the five major religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism) you are most excited to learn about and why.

It should be at least 100 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

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Generally speaking, religion is a fascinating subject to research, given the different mythologies underlying the followers’ principles. However, the most captivating religion for me is Islam. It is important to note that Islam is the second most widespread religion globally. Most of the Islamic believers are found in the Middle East, Africa, and Parts of Asia. This religion is fascinating, given the development of its various guiding principles. Unlike Christianity and Judaism, the development of the Islam principles was more flexible, and it adopted changes depending on the demands of the society (Syed, Akhtar, & Usmani, 2011). There are also different categories of Muslims that are differentiated by their religious principles. This makes Islam an intriguing subject to study.


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