Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Paper on Mozart

I need a 6-7 pages paper on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. I attached a file with a detailed description of the paper. I would also attache some pictures you would use as a reference for a specific part of the paper. The pictures I attached from a book by Roger Kamien called” Music an appreciation.”

Questions/Outline for your paper.


Length: 6-7 pages.  Use a minimum of four to five sources.  Include text citations and bibliography.


Biography Questions: (This portion should be 2-3 pages long, please do not discuss pieces here)

  1. When and when was he born?
  2. Who were his parents and what did they do for a living?
  3. How many siblings did he have, were they musical?
  4. Who were his teachers and musical influences?
  5. What was his religion?
  6. 6.Did religion influence his music?
  7. 7.Where did he go to school?
  8. Where did he work and for whom?
  9. Was he married and to whom?
  10. Did he and his wife have children?
  11. Did her children study music and with whom did they study music?
  12. Did he have psychological disorders or illnesses?
  13. If so, how were they treated?
  14. What were some interesting things about his life or events that happened in his life that are unique?
  15. Where and when did he die and how?
  16. Where is he buried?
  17. Who did he influence or who were some of his most famous pupils?


Music Period, Genres, and Characteristics of his Style:  (1-2 pages, please use your book upon which I base my lectures for this portion of the paper)


  • In which period did he live including dates from the period?  (Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, or Classical)



  • What were the musical characteristics of this period. (write one paragraph on these characteristics) (see the pictures attached please for reference)


  • What types of genres did he compose (provide a list) For example, Beethoven composed 9 Symphonies, 1 Opera, 1 Mass, 32 Piano Sonatas, 5 Piano Concertos and 1 violin concerto.






Your Own Analysis (1-2 pages, please do not use 1st person)


  • Choose one or two pieces by your composer which you like. (choose one of these: Don Giovanni, Symphony No. 40, Piano Concerto No. 23)


  • Define the Genre of the piece you chose.



  • Give some of your own thoughts but do not use the 1st person.  (For example, you could say: “The piece has lively rhythms.”  Rather than saying: “I like the lively rhythms of this piece.”).

Answer preview

The Classical era embraced the genius nature of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The composer showed useful and unique musical compositions from an early age (Burkholder & Grout, 2014). By the time he was five, Mozart had performed and composed various melodies as he maintained proficiency and expertise on the violin and the keyboard. The compositions of Mozart included different operas, concertos, and symphonies. Arguably one of the best composers in the world, Mozart’s influence saw and continues to see the rise in importance, especially regarding Western music. Many of Mozart’s compositions later evolved to remain labeled as the pinnacle of various groups of music including chamber, choral, concertante, and symphonic music (Peyser, 2018).


The date of birth of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was the 27th of January in the year 1756. Mozart was born at the capital where the Archbishopric of Salzburg resided…


(2000 words)

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