world war

Research Essay

This week you will do your own research to find a goodreliable source to answer the question and write an essayAvoid usingWikipedia or casual websites. A good tip is to search “Site:edu” when looking for online sources, or to use a book from the libraryUse your source to write a 2-page, 700-word essay on this question:

“Why was World War One considered a ‘world war’?”

The best papers will discuss Asia, Africa, and the Americas in your answer. Every paper ought to use citations from the scholarly source you are required to find.

Answer preview
The First World War began in 1914 and lasted until 1918 after a Serbian national assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his pregnant wife, Sophie assassinated by a Serbian national. Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Bulgaria fought against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the United States (Keegan, 2014). The first country to lash out threats was Austria-Hungary, and they were backed up by Germany while Russia sided with the Serbians…
(720 words)
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