Runway Incursions

Writing Question

Must follow APA guidelines.

Title page + 5 FULL pages of content + Reference page

At least 5 sources and 3 must be scholarly references such as journals, books, and similar sources other than websites. These 3 scholarly references may be online format.

12 font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins

Do not write in first person (I, me, we, etc.), rather write your paper in third person (he, she, they, the researcher, etc.)

Try to summarize and paraphrase more than utilizing direct quotes. (In other words, avoid excessive direct quotations in your paper) You will have a higher matching score of the turnitin if you use too many quotes.

Limit to 1 block quote (block quote is a direct quote of more than 40 words)

Do not use Wikipedia as a source. Online blogs and forums are also not acceptable sources for a collegiate paper

Plagiarism results in failure of the course (refer to course syllabus for more information).

If there are no in-text citations throughout the entire paper and/or no reference page it will result in automatic failure for the assignment

-Abstract not required. If you do include an abstract, this will not count towards your 5 pages of content

-For each page short of 5 full pages there will be a deduction of 20 points (Half a page short results in a 10 point reduction).

-Example of plagiarism= Copy and paste from internet.

-Using someone else’s words without giving them credit (correct way: providing a citation with author’s last name, year of publication, and if it is a direct quote also include the exact page number from which the quote was derived).

-Self plagiarism- using a paper you wrote in another class


Hello again 🙂 !

– I uploaded a screenshot of the instructions, please follow them and make sure to only use the sources mentioned in the instructions. (At least 5 sources and 3 must be scholarly references)

– Please make the writing as legit as it could be. Also, the use of vocabulary is NOT ADVANCED, make sure to use easy vocabs (Make it as high school level vocab)

– Please make sure to follow the instructions, and that it doesn’t have any score of PLAGIARISM.

– Thanks

Requirements: 5


Answer  preview

When queried about the safest mode of transportation, most people would automatically point to air travel. This is because airplane accidents are few, even though when they do happen, they can lead to numerous adverse outcomes such as death for all crew members and passengers (Crosby, 2017). Such accidents are often attributed to factors such as erratic weather, pilot mistakes, aviation maintenance errors, or extensive turbulence. When these factors are at play, they can result in various airplane incidents and accidents. Every pilot’s worst dream revolves around their involvement in a collision with another airplane. History has so far demonstrated that such an outcome can be as catastrophic as a collision taking place in the air. The Tenerife

1738 words



















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