Writing Question

Writing Question

Write a 6 page essay in APA format about the benefits of hotspot policing. When discussing benefits, also mention statistics and how it reduces crime rates. Must focus more on how hotspot policing is beneficial rather than how it is effective.

No plagiarism please, must cite all sources.

1. https://whatworks.college.police.uk/toolkit/Pages/Intervention.aspx?InterventionID=46

2. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07418825.2018.1465579?journalCode=rjqy20


4. https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/hot-spot-policing-can-reduce-crime

5. https://www.wglt.org/show/wglts-sound-ideas/2017-04-20/does-hot-spot-policing-work

I found a few links that are helpful however you’re more than welcome to find more sources! Just please be sure to cite.

Requirements: 6 pages

You do not need to include an introduction or conclusion!

Answer preview
In any given society, be it a city, a town, or a neighborhood, society needs policing to enforce the law. However, the law enforcement cannot do it alone since they need people to point out the criminals for them. This is why the police force put in place toll-free phone lines that anyone can use whenever they are in distress or have witnessed a crime. Studies were carried out by the police force in Jersey City and Kansas City, targeting high-risk zones of the cities (Braga, 2001). These were areas where the crime was rampant and where a high percentage of the calls for action used to originate from. The police force enacted a hotspot policing program in these crime-prone zones. This was due to the reduced crime rate owing to the fact that the community used the service more when they noted more results from the police. This reduction in the calls for action opened up the phone lines for more people who were in need of law enforcement services
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