Non-profit making organizations funding

Non-profit making organizations funding

  • 1- which source of funding – private or public is likely to last longer?

2– what department of the government provides this funding?

o    Material to question #2

o    Based on my research, there are various possibilities available for institutions and individuals to fund their programs. Since this is a program with national significance, the agency can leverage on this and get more funding. This funding can be through public or private avenues. Charitable institutions who will benefit from the objectives of this program are some of the institutions that will fund this project. PEACE Domestic Violence Agency can get funding of up to $20,000 from the central government. The Independent Grant Administrator helps in guidance on how to go about getting the funds.

o    References:


o    Jang, H. S., & Feiock, R. C. (2007). Public versus private funding of nonprofit organizations: Implications for collaboration. Public Performance & Management Review31(2), 174-190.

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The responsiveness of the financiers of non-profit making organizations has affected the independence of these organizations. Most non-profit organizations have sort to get financial support from the private sectors due to the threat and fear of the costs associated with the collaboration. The decision on who the non-profit organizations should seek finance from poses…

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