Compassionate law.

This is a law case writing essay, need to write about the Gonzales v. Raich case, this is about the topic of : Marijuana Legalization

My case is this one: Gonzales v. Raich.

Need full 4 pages essay, cited all resources, and not be plagiarize.


here is some more writing instruction: Once you have chosen the specific topic you will provide a detailed overview of the topic, including a detailed explanation of the courts’ involvement in the topic. (ie. explaining the most significant cases, the outcomes–as well as lead up to and reactions to the cases) In addition to providing a detailed overview of the specific policy issue or case(s) you are discussing you will also address the following questions: How do the examples you have chosen provide insights into the ways in which the unique structural, constitutional and cultural qualities of the American justice system shapes policy debates and outcomes? How does this story illustrate both the characteristics and the outcomes of adversarial legalism in practice?
Answer preview

On the other hand, Monson had the same condition whereby she was required to use marijuana too. She had been involved in an accident sometimes back where and since then used to encounter pains in her spine and muscles. To relieve these pains, the only option she had was to use marijuana as a painkiller. On the government’s side, the was a case presentation too. Under the controlled substances act there is no provision which allows for the medical use of marijuana. This was the reasons why the officials from the DEA stormed into those farms that were producing marijuana (Wilkinson et al. 2016). Before this, they also raided the California departments that dealt with medical marijuana and took their assets. The government did not support the changes being made to the substance control act since this would compromise its workability. It was also of the opinion that there should be no contradiction between the federal laws and the state laws. California laws allowed people to grow medical marijuana, but the federal laws did not allow that.

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