Challenges of mass murder.

In the aftermath of mass murders, the news media and members of the public ask questions such as “Why did he do it?” and “Were there any warning signs?”

Consider what you’ve learned this week regarding the sociological, psychological, and biological influences of multiple murderers.

Choose one of the following mass murderers:

Jared Lee Loutner

James Holmes

Seung-Hui Cho

Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold

Based on your choice, create a 4- to 5-page report in Microsoft Word that covers the areas mentioned below :

  • Provide the available information that describes the killer’s background (education, mental issues, criminal history, etc.).
  • Summarize the events surrounding the crime.
  • Identify and analyze which theory or theories best apply to this particular mass murderer. Explain why this theory is correct.
  • Discuss whether the case led to any changes in laws, police procedure, school security, etc.

Answer preview

Holmes disclosed to the police that he had fixed explosives at his room plus flammable liquids. Several apartments were consequently evacuated for fear of more victims in the event the explosives went off. After a search, the police recovered a number of homemade grenades and several gallons of gasoline. He was denied bail and held in prison awaiting trial and at some instance, he was hospitalized after failed attempts to commit suicide (Bonn, 2014). The police reported that Holmes had bought the two guns used in the incident legally. The police also discovered an undelivered mail to his psychiatrist detailing his plan for the attack.

During the trial, the prosecution announced the intention to seek the death penalty. This is after evaluating the psychiatrist reports. However, the suspect pleaded not guilty using insanity as an excuse. Consequently, the judges ordered that he undergoes another psychiatrist test. The second test also did not meet the threshold of insanity. The suspect considered pleading guilty in and be sent to prison for life to escape the death penalty. However, the judges declined his offer. Finally, after all, witnesses testified, Holmes decided not to testify, and the judges closed the case on August 26, 2015, by sentencing him twelve life sentences and 3,318 years for all victims that were wounded.

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