Intergovernmental Relations

Intergovernmental Relations

1.Do you believe government efforts to manage the economy usually make things better or worse? Provide research support for your positions.

Please read the following and answer the following questions.

Professional sports and big-league cities go hand in hand. Hosting a professional sports franchise is evidence that a city has arrived per-se – that is not simply a large city but a major league city. Moreover, acquiring or retaining professional sports teams has become important in local economic development plans.

Please answer the following question: 2.From your perspective, is it wise for a major “metropolis” to promote professional sports?  3. What are the advantages/disadvantages?

Please use source below

Lee, R.D. & Johnson, RW. (2008).  Public budgeting systems (8th ed.).  Sudbury, MA:  Jones and Bartlett.  ISBN: 9780763746681

  • Chapter 14: Intergovernmental Relations
  • Chapter 15: Government, the Economy, and Economic Development
Answer Preview
Government efforts to manage economy usually makes things better. The government uses federal reserve to reduce or increase money in the economy, thus controlling inflation. Through balance of payments, the government maintains equitable trade relationships…
(307 Words)
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