

Select any 3 Entrepreneurs that interest you, EXCEPT Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, or Mark Zuckerberg.

You will write about WHY and HOW you think they are Entrepreneurs.  You will also state hard facts that make them Entrepreneurs.  Simply, your discussion must have proof they are SOLVING PROBLEMS and MAKING MONEY (OR, at least funded by sources that offer them the financial backing to benefit others lives like many non-profit organizations).

The broadest, most simple definition of Entrepreneurship is:

  • A person or team who finds problems, conflicts, or needs AND sets out to resolve them.
  • They succeed in resolving 1 or many problems\conflicts\needs.
  • They make money, either directly with the people the problems or needs are serving, OR indirectly from others who financially support their efforts (non-profits)

One example: Steve Jobs supported the technical problem or need to have high-quality, compact computers for businesses and individuals.  He was directly supported financially by individual retail and business consumers; however, he had to have finances to develop and start his business venture.  He received a lot of funds from partners and business relationships.

You CANNOT use Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, or Mark Zuckerberg as one of your entrepreneurs in your discussion post.

  • Your first post will state 3 entrepreneurs YOU most admire.
  • Your post will describe WHY you select EACH entrepreneur using at least 50 words (total 150 words for 3 entrepreneurs).
  • You will add 1 VIDEO OR 1 ARTICLE that supports EACH entrepreneur AND what you wrote.

Total first post: 3 names of entrepreneurs you most admire, a short 50-word explanation WHY you admire EACH entrepreneur, AND 1 Video OR 1 Article that supports what EACH entrepreneur represents

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He is one of the co founders of Google which is a multinational company. They started the company while they were studying at Stanford University, because they saw a market gap which…

(213 Words)

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