Subprime Crisis and Fair-Value Accounting

Week 3 Discussion

Absolutely no plagiarism, must be original and very thorough. Please make sure everything is followed in the question and the grading rubric. Assigned article is attached, please also use at least one other academic resource. Must include in-text citations.

Supporting material: Attached

Question:To prepare for this discussion, please go the case that you read for this week, “Subprime Crisis and Fair-Value Accounting,” and review it again before you answer the following:

Do you agree or disagree with the arguments of critics from the ‘Subprime’ case that fair-value accounting contributed to and exacerbated the recent financial crisis?

Should the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) reconsider its move towards fair-value accounting?

Please see grading rubric below. This assignment should be at least 5-6 paragraphs long and very thorough. Make sure you integrate real-life applications to support key points.

Case Discussion Rubric (2016)

Case Discussion Rubric (2016)
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Quality of Initial Posting
Initial response displays an excellent understanding of the assigned case, the course readings, and the underlying concepts and includes the correct use of relevant terminology. Initial response additionally integrates specific real-life application (current events, work or personal experience, prior coursework, etc.) and/or other peer-reviewed research to support key points. Initial response is clear, concise, and compelling.
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Mechanics
Entirely free of mechanical errors. These include: grammar, punctuation, spelling, and formatting (font style and size).
Answer preview
 Recently, the financial crisis has been witnessed in the global markets in an extensive range of margin. These crisis has been experienced in the equity and debt markets where the prices of shares and securities have been falling alarmingly making the companies that are willing to borrow become unwilling to do so. On the other hand, the subprime crisis was experienced in the United States in the year 2008 whereby borrowers were being approved for loans that they were not in a position to afford…
(650 words)
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