PC 2 Go Performance Report

Need three power point slides ( Requires you to log in to my team Simulation)

You must use the information in my Marketplace team simulation.

i) Marketing performance including strengths and areas of improvement

j) Sales performance including strengths and areas of improvement

k) Analysis of how you used the tools provided by the simulation i.e., market research, Demand Reports in your decision-making process

Website: https://web5.marketplace-live.com/engine.php?tpl=s…

Login Info. Email: kennard339@gmail.com

Password: drudown121

17 hours ago

Work requires 3 powerpoint slides with footnotes.

You can include your Balanced Scorecard from the simulation as a visual exhibit

[1] Include the information you completed in Unit 1 where applicable to present a comprehensive picture to the board

[1] You can include the chart from the simulation here as a visual exhibit

[1] You can include the chart from the simulation here as a visual exhibit

[1] You may use charts from the simulation in this section, but avoid overreliance on them. An alternative is to put some of the visuals in the appendix, the emphasis here should be on your written analysis

[1] Be sure you cite SWOT and define it per APA guidelines

[1] You may use charts from the simulation in this section, but avoid overreliance on them. An alternative is to put some of the visuals in the appendix, the emphasis here should be on your written analysis

if need to be you can got to 4 slides

Be sure to focus more on these three questions as it pertains to the information in the simulation.

i) Marketing performance including strengths and areas of improvement

j) Sales performance including strengths and areas of improvement

k) Analysis of how you used the tools provided by the simulation i.e., market research, Demand Reports in your decision-making process

Answer preview
The performance of the sales was also one that has significance. The strength is in the sales revenue. There was a considerable rise in the sales revenue, and this has significantly increased the gross margin of the company. The brands of Fortune and Nikon 1.2 were a key strength as the company was able to sell very many units compared to the other brands. There is still room for improvement for the sales of PC 501 and Nikon 1.1….
( 5 Slides)
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