Environment Engineering

I need 700 words writing papers

For this assessment , you will write 500-700 word research paper . the question is ( What is the best filed of study for students today?) .The style of the essay will be persuasive, which means you are trying to convince your readers of your opinion. You audience is high school students and college students who have not yet chosen a major .

*** I want the person who will write the papers to write the Outline which I attached

*** I have chosen a topic which is ( Environment Engineering ) you will find the Brian storm in the attachemnt

Answer preview

The environment needs protection either now or in the future. The situation has always required care even through previous times. Environment engineering focuses on applying different aspects of engineering and science to protecting the environment. The climate all around the world deteriorates more each day without people doing anything about it. The world needs more environmental engineers as the environment also needs more people…


(900 words)

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