Journal Entry

Use in text citationsCite all references and they should be accessible and verifiableOriginal work only!

Using the Knowledge@Wharton site, select an article that represents a leader taking a calculated risk.

Take a moment to scroll through the articles to find one that piques your personal interest. Once you have finished reading your selected article, address the following:


Answer preview

The title of the article that I have selected is, “Dealing with Crisis: Five Leaders Speak Out” (Wharton University of Pennsylvania, 2005). The most relevant aspect that I have learned from the article is that leaders in an organization have to take individual risks if at all they are committed to attaining success. In the process of calculating risks, the leaders have to identify the right people that would join them in taking the organization to greater heights. I have also learned that leaders need specific skills that can help them identify the appropriate selection of employees. Such employees should dare to take individual risks in their dockets of work. ..


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