Human Factors and Design

 Human Factors and Design

The human-centered approach is critical in clinical decision support system development, implementation, and utilization. Often the gap between developers and end users can affect clinical outcomes. Input from the end users during the design stage is essential in assuring positive health outcomes for patients. Using the case study on pages 104-108 in Chapter 5 of the Health Informatics: A Systems Perspective text discuss the application of Project IMPACT in the clinical setting.

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  • Explain how the gap between developers and end users effects outcomes

Developing any product for use by the clinicians requires significant contribution and increasing the gap between the two would lead to poor outcome. The standards for the comprehensive critical care of the intensive care unit patients may not be followed by the clinicians when there is no agreement between the two groups. Considering the case, the clinicians operate within the clinical setting, and all the recommendation for positive outcome need to correlate that otherwise they would not be met. The leaders of the critical care unit at western Metropolitan medical Centre recommends the use of project Impact based on positive considerations…

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