Advanced Laser Clinics- Conflict

Advanced Laser Clinics- Conflict…Ryan, E. Advanced Laser Clinics Retrieved from: Harvard Business Publishing Newsletters

  • Ryan is clearly in a difficult situation. She just started at a new company and is already contending with conflict. As she prepares for her difficult conversation with Gretchen, she is mindful of the fact that there will be a power differential between her and Gretchen. Why is power important to negotiations and this situation? What is the source of power that Ryan holds? Why?
  • When preparing for a difficult conversation, particularly when there is a power differential, it is important to practice or rehearse how you will open the conversation. Based on the facts, put yourself in Ryan’s shoes and compose a paragraph that you would state to Gretchen to start the conversation.
  • Another key factor in having a difficult conversation is preparing by having a list of questions ready for the other party. Prepare 5 questions for Ryan to ask Gretchen during the course of their conversation.
  • Ethics plays an important role in all aspects of negotiation and conflict resolution. Identify at least 3 ethical situations that are present or could arise based on the scenario. Explain why each issue is problematic and provide a way of either resolving or preventing it.
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Since Ryan was just a new employee in the company, it was not essential for her to negotiate power at an early stage. One of the leadership traits is being observant and ready to learn. Ryan was supposed to take a little time to learn her workmates and observe how things are done. From this angle, will possess clear information of what should be changed and how it should be changed without bypassing the clinic’s leadership hierarchy or bore the other employees.  Ryan holds two types of powers. First, she holds an expert power since had just finished her training at Farmington Hills where she has been…
( 600 words)
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