discussion question

For each item in Assignment sections “Watch”, “Read” and “Event”, each student is to write a 150-200-worddiscussion post as follows:

  • What 2 or 3 key ideas did you learn from the videos, readings or events attended?
  • What surprised you and why?
  • Formulate 2 questions that you would like answered or points you would like clarified.

1.“How to Start a Startup” Videos #1 and #2 (http://startupclass.samaltman.com/)

2.Work by Google (https://rework.withgoogle.com/print/guides/5721312655835136/)

3.“How to Start a Startup” Videos #3 and #13 (http://startupclass.samaltman.com/)

4.“Creative Collaborations” (http://bit.ly/CreativeCollaborations)

5.“How to Start a Startup” Videos #5 and #18 (http://startupclass.samaltman.com/)

6.“How to Start a Startup” Videos #4 and #7 (http://startupclass.samaltman.com/)

7.“How to Start a Startup” Videos #8 and #16 (http://startupclass.samaltman.com/)

8.“How to Start a Startup” Video #19 (http://startupclass.samaltman.com/)

9.Kaufmann module “Entrepreneurial Selling” (https://www.entrepreneurship.org/learning-paths/entrepreneurial-selling


Answer preview

After events, reading and watching the videos, I learned that for an entrepreneur to be successful, he must apply some key essentials. First, the entrepreneur must observe discipline to be able to sell in the market. For example, the entrepreneur should dress decently and put a bright face to attract the buyers. The entrepreneur is supposed to be aware of professional discipline, example, spending and saving whereby he should save more and spend less for the first six-twelve months. Second, the application of high skills in the business is very significant for the success of a business (https://www.entrepreneurship.org…


(200 words)

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