Policies to Combat Juvenile Delinquency

Policies to Combat Juvenile Delinquency

2 part question revise and add additional 2-3 pages please include references in APA format

The state legislature has agreed to go forth with one of the two policy proposals that you formulated in the Week 4 Key Assignment draft. You will now have to explain how the policy will be implemented and what challenges will be faced during implementation.

Part 1 Tasks (Objectives from Weeks 1–4):

  • First, revise your Week 4 Key Assignment draft based on your own review and reflection, instructor feedback, and peer responses.

Part 2 Tasks (Objective(s) from Week 5):

  • Add 2–3 additional pages of content to your final Key Assignment by selecting 1 of the 2 initiatives you recommended in Week 4 and addressing the following questions regarding the recommended policy:
    • What cost factors do you anticipate affecting implementation of the selected policy?
    • What strategy would you recommend to involve the media or other groups in an effort to inform the public and stakeholders about the new policy?
    • Articulate how research evidence played a significant role in your final policy recommendation.

I just attached unit 4 attachment

Here is what needs to be revised for unit 4 I just attached

Strengths: You are still providing theories, good ideas. Unit 4 IP is asking for an actual ACTION PLAN. . Opportunities for improvement: The TO; in the MEMORANDUM must be specific, for credit students must IDENTIFY WHO would be responsible for these changes; . You propose implementing programs to combat juvenile delinquency. The Memorandum IDENTIFIES; WHO will be taking the actions. WHAT TWO ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS ARE PROPOSED, and the specific CRITERIA that will be used to judge the success of the proposed solutions (SEE 9 CRITERIA FOR JUDGING UNDER M.U.S.E); OUTCOMES that can be expected from both solutions. This must be specific so that an objective third party can check these criteria off a list to show that your proposal is effective. Unit 5 IP will ask, Who is hired, how much does it cost, exactly what is the daily agenda for the appointees? Who are the stakeholders when you state “we”? We are not asking what should or could happen but what you are directing to happen in each solution. The criteria for judging the success must be specific to the two solutions you provide. The criteria must be measurable and specific. Then for each option, that you give the Board of Legislatures, you must discuss the projective outcomes of each solution. The trade offs examine the pros and cons to each solution comparatively and finally give us a suggestion as to which of the two proposed solutions you recommend. . Additional Comments: .

This also go with the revise for unit 4

Provide the possible outcomes and trade-offs of each program suggested. E. The Recommendation discusses which of the TWO solutions suggested should be selected and Why. . Additional Comments: Please note Trade offs examine the disadvantages and advantages to using one solution over the other solution you are proposing. .

This goes with the second part unit 5 individual project

Unit 5 IP will ask, Who is hired, how much does it cost, exactly what is the daily agenda for the appointees? Who are the stakeholders when you state “we”? We are not asking what should or could happen but what you are directing to happen in each solution. The criteria for judging the success must be specific to the two solutions you provide. The criteria must be measurable and specific. Then for each option, that you give the Board of Legislatures, you must discuss the projective outcomes of each solution. The trade offs examine the pros and cons to each solution comparatively and finally give us a suggestion as to which of the two proposed solutions you recommend. . Additional Comments: .

Unit 4 revise should be a regular paper not memo form anymore

Answer preview

Defining the Problem

Juvenile delinquency refers to illegal acts that minors under the age of 18 years engage in that are prohibited by the federal and state laws (Ellis, 2012). The juvenile delinquency rates are on the rise, and this is quite alarming. Statistics from the Colorado Justice Department and Correctional Services shows that forty-nine percent of the minors are involved in deviant behaviors that are against the laws. Reckless & Dinitz (2012) notes that due to the alarming increase of the Juvenile delinquency, an immediate action should be taken to prevent such deviant acts. There is a need for a policy formulation…

(1700 words)

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