Economy global competitive questions

Please answer each question not too brief, and with details and deep thoughts, NO PLAGIARISM!

Each question should be 100-150 words! no more than 150 per question!

total maximum 1200, no more than 1200!

  • Discuss China’s “market socialism” or “socialist market economy.” In what major ways does it differ from Europe’s “social market economies?” Explain.
  • “How developing economies ensure that productivity either begins or continues to rise is one of the biggest challenges these economies face.” Critically discuss the nature of this challenge and how it might be met using at least two Asian, African and/or Middle Eastern economies as examples.
  • Is Japan a setting or a rising sun? Explain. What does it need to do to be the latter rather than the former? Critically discuss.
  • “Current non-innovation-based Asian economies such as China, India etc. must become innovation-based economies to fully close the income gap with the rich economies. This final step is a critical but difficult one.” Discuss.
  • “High productivity is beneficial, not because it helps a country compete with other countries, but because it lets a country produce and therefore consume more. Period.” Explain and discuss using at least two Asian economies as examples.
  • Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of competitiveness in the dominant economics of Asia (that is, China, Japan, India etc.) and the opportunities and threats that the competiveness of these economies pose for the less developed economies of the world elsewhere in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.
  • Discuss the competitiveness and global growth prospects, challenges and opportunities for either China, India, Asia in general, Africa in general, or the Middle East (Arab world) in general, over the next decade or the next fifty years.
  • Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of competitiveness in the emerging economies of Asia (e.g. China, India etc.) and the opportunities and threats that the emergence of competitiveness in these economics pose for the dominant rich nations in the world such as those in North America and Europe.
Answer preview
  • China’s Market Socialism

The world has very diverse economic systems. Each country applies an economic system it deems fit or a combination of economic policies depending on the social, political and economic realities unique to it. In this paper, I will discuss the global economies and their characteristics. I will do that by answering each of the above questions. China has a socialist economic system whereby there is collective public ownership of property and state resources. This system dates back to 1978 when reforms were introduced to incorporate the country into the global market economy (Solinger, 2016). The system is viewed as the preliminary stage of socialism in which the public ownership of property exists alongside private ownership. China remains a socialist country, as opposed to a capitalist, in the sense that the state retains sole direction role on the nation’s activities and resources. The socialist market consists of resources owned…

(1200 words)
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