The Transport Security Administration

The Transport Security Administration


US Department of Homeland Security

eight pages not including the cover page

In this assignment, you will create a draft of the first five sections of your core Assessment Research Paper including:

  1. Introduction
  2. Mission and History
  3. Organization Roles and Responsibility
  4. Workforce Overview


  1. Select a DHS-related organizations for your research paper from the list below.
  2. Prepare a draft of each of the the following sections using the outline below:
    1. Introduction
    2. Mission and History
    3. Organization Roles and Responsibility
    4. Workforce Overview
  3. Your draft of each section should thorough explore the organization using the resources from your annotated bibliography. Remember your final written paper must include at least 2,000 words (approximately 8 pages). Note the title page/cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum written requirements.
  4. Use the Paper Outline below and include a section in the paper for each section in the outline.
    1. Use APA format with a title page or cover page.
    2. Use a minimum of eight (8) references where one can be your classroom textbook. All citations (both in text and reference page) must be in APA format.
    1. Post the draft of the first five sections in APA format.
    2. Include a Cover Page and References page in APA format .

Paper Outline

You should have a section in the paper for each of the following:

  • Introduction. Describe how the organization fits within the Department of Homeland Security. Provide an organizational chart of DHS and the agency you select. Explain how the agency is organized under DHS. Include an org chart. Next explain the DHS-Related organization you are researching is organized.
    (Ensure you understand how to read an organizational chart. Just because an agency is listed on the bottom does not mean it is subservient to boxes above it; one must follow the solid lines to understand chain of command/authority.)
  • Mission and History. Describe the mission and scope of the organization. Identify through a brief synopsis of the organizational history how the organization became part of DHS.
  • Organization. Discuss the organization using a chart or other graphical depiction. Illustrate how this subordinate organization is aligned within the Department of Homeland Security.
  • Roles and Responsibility. Discuss the various roles and responsibilities of the organization and how those roles and responsibilities support the overall Department of Homeland Security mission and objectives.
  • Workforce Overview. Distinguish facts germane to the organization to include total number of employees, training, critical or unique skills, and additional facts that provide a substantive overview of the workforce.
  • Leadership. Construct an overview of the existing leadership to include how their background and skills support their existing appointment or fail to support their existing appointment.
  • Organizational Highlights. Assess some organizational highlights that show how the organizational strategies and initiatives are effective or ineffective at carrying out their existing mission.
  • Challenges. Distinguish and describe organizational challenges, to include legal and operational, that mire their responsibilities and what the organization is performing to overcome those obstacles in the future.
  • Intelligence and Armed Forces Application. Assess how the organization interacts with the intelligence community and Armed Forces to supplement, strengthen, or perform their daily responsibilities.
  • Conclusion. Wrap up the paper with you final thought on the role this organization plays in the grand scheme of homeland security. What conclusions have you come to as to its relevance to homeland security? Does this organization have a role to play in the future? What recommendations do you have for changes to the organization?

DHS-Related Organizations for Research Paper

Select one of the DHS Organizations to further examine and research:

  1. The Directorate for National Protection and Programs. The goal of the National Protection and Programs Directorate is to advance the Department’s risk-reduction mission. Reducing risk requires an integrated approach that encompasses both physical and virtual threats and their associated human elements.
  2. The Directorate for Science and Technology.The Science and Technology Directorate is the primary research and development arm of the Department. It provides federal, state and local officials with the technology and capabilities to protect the homeland.
  3. The Directorate for Management. The Management Directorate is responsible for budget, appropriations, expenditure of funds, accounting and finance; procurement; human resources and personnel; information technology systems; facilities, property, equipment, and other material resources; and identification and tracking of performance measurements relating to the responsibilities of the Department.
  4. The Office of Intelligence and Analysis. The Office of Intelligence and Analysis equips the Homeland Security Enterprise with the timely intelligence and information it needs to keep the homeland safe, secure, and resilient.
  5. The Office of Operations Coordination.The Office of Operations Coordination provides information daily to the Secretary of Homeland Security, senior leaders, and the homeland security enterprise to enable decision-making; oversees the National Operations Center; and leads the Department’s Continuity of Operations and Government Programs to enable continuation of primary mission essential functions in the event of a degraded or crisis operating environment.
  6. The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center.The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center provides career-long training to law enforcement professionals to help them fulfill their responsibilities safely and proficiently.
  7. The Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office.The mission of the Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Office is to counter attempts by terrorists or other threat actors to carry out an attack against the United States or its interests using a weapon of mass destruction.
  8. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) protects the nation’s transportation systems to ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce.
  9. United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP). United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is one of the Department of Homeland Security’s largest and most complex components, with a priority mission of keeping terrorists and their weapons out of the U.S. It also has a responsibility for securing and facilitating trade and travel while enforcing hundreds of U.S. regulations, including immigration and drug laws.
  10. United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) administers the nation’s lawful immigration system, safeguarding its integrity and promise by efficiently and fairly adjudicating requests for immigration benefits while protecting Americans, securing the homeland, and honoring our values.
  11. United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) promotes homeland security and public safety through the criminal and civil enforcement of federal laws governing border control, customs, trade, and immigration.
  12. The United States Coast Guard.The United States Coast Guard is one of the five armed forces of the United States and the only military organization within the Department of Homeland Security. The Coast Guard protects the maritime economy and the environment, defends our maritime borders, and saves those in peril.
  13. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) supports our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.
  14. The United States Secret Service. The United States Secret Service (USSS) safeguards the nation’s financial infrastructure and payment systems to preserve the integrity of the economy, and protects national leaders, visiting heads of state and government, designated sites, and National Special Security Events.

Answer preview

The defense of a region like the U.S. requires appropriate coverage in all essential departments. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security possesses the sole responsibility to protect all the citizens of the area. However, the DHS maintains various agencies that cover its essential purpose. The Transport Security Administration is the principal administrator of security among all transport systems in the U.S. The agency promotes transport security, especially in the airport (Grover, 2015). An initiative like the use of the full body scanner remains controversial in the agency’s function. However, TSA focuses on ensuring that all citizens traveling from one region to another remain safe under its watch.

The Transport Security Administration (TSA), is a department directly under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). TSA is responsible and possesses the authority regarding the safety of public transport…


(2300 words)

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