Resilience and Preparedness into Community and Government Security Policy

Resilience and Preparedness into Community and Government Security Policy

Select number of pages: 4
Question Description: Topic: Building Resilience and Preparedness into Community and Government Security PolicyUsing the online library, read the following article:Scott, J., & Coleman, M. (2016). Reaching the unreached: Building resilience through engagement with diverse communities. Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning, 9(4), 359–374. (Can be found in EBSCO)
Focus your 3-5 page paper on the following:Arguably, getting citizens integrated and fully engaged into a homeland security plan is one of the most powerful tools to support the resilience and defense of the homeland. DHS developed the Building Resilience with Diverse Communities (BRDC) engagement process to improve relationships with faith-based and community organizations and to ‘reach unreached’ populations in emergency preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation. Analyze the study and research the primary concerns with getting citizens involved. In your analysis, detail how your research will make the homesecurity posture more resilient and if your research and subsequent policy would benefit from integrating the community. Incorporate at least two additional sources to support your analysis.

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Resilience and preparedness are vital factors for implementing a successful community and government security policy. Resilience refers to how quickly something can recover from damages. When an emergency response team is effective during disaster response, it means there is high resiliency in the community…
(1200 words)
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