Organization behavior 3

Organization behavior 3

  1. Your selected organization wants to develop programs to reduce stress in the workplace. Given the specifics of your organization, describe, in detail, four programs that you would recommend that your selected organization could/should adopt. Rank these four programs in terms of their relative cost (in dollars) to the organization, if these were to be implemented company wide. Make sure you provide a detailed representation of how you arrive at the cost estimations (e.g., number of employees, cost assumptions, etc.)
  2. Briefly and in your own words describe each of the five classical conflict management styles (based on the juxtaposition of two dimensions of satisfying one’s own concerns and the concerns of others). To illustrate the utility of understanding the five-conflict management model, describe different scenarios/ situations when, in experiencing conflict with co-workers in your selected organization, you would use each of these five approaches.

Selected organization is public university library, about 20 employees with 3 superviors. Need other information please let me know.

insert any type of chart or diagram


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.There are many factors to consider for the successful running of a business. To achieve high levels of productivity, minimize staff turnover and increase team efforts, employees need to have a low level of stress. Stress is a regular occurrence in any workplace ad it is the responsibility of employers to find ways in which employees can manage their stress levels (Greenberg, 2017). Different stress management programs are present in the market that provides employees with constructive ways to deal with stress in the workplace and at home. The differences in employee’s backgrounds and personalities make conflict inevitable. It is also beneficial for employers to know how to resolve a conflict among employees successfully. Several conflict styles can help employers …

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