dimensions for classification of networked e-business

Help with 7 questions

At least 250 words for each question.

1. Discuss the main dimensions for classification of networked e-business.

2. Describe the BOAT framework and discuss the possible ways in which these aspects are related to each other.

3. Discuss the main business directions and operations related to networked e-business.

4. Discuss the role of service orientation for the architecture aspect of networked e-business.

5. Discuss how the main IT-based developments in the networked e-business domain (the Big Five) are related to the various technology classes.

6. Discuss the concept of strategic business–IT alignment and how it relates to the BOAT framework.

7. Discuss the tension field between separation and integration of concerns when analyzing or designing e-Business scenario

Answer preview

E-business features are classified in a three-dimensional field. It shows how a fourth, the research element, complements the three categorization parameters. The three components that may be used to categorize e-business situations are parties, objects, and time. The parties dimension identifies the types of parties involved in e-commerce (Grefen, 2015). The objects element, on the other hand, defines the kind of significant items handled in e-commerce. The time scopes element describes the duration of e-business partnerships. Having several aspects enables us to categorize an e-business situation using a logical abstraction. From a financial standpoint, interlinked business-to-business e-business is perhaps the most significant connected e-business inside the group’s aspect. In terms of personal liberty, interconnected business-to-consumer e-commerce is rapidly gaining traction. Consumer integrated e-business is a situation in which two customers do commerce via an online network. It applies the categorization to three instances that are currently executing (Grefen, 2015).


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