Integrated Marketing – Media Plan (Lexus UX)
Communication messages do not simply appear for public viewing. Marketing managers must plan their advertising messages as part of their IMC plan. The media planning must be organized and structured before content can be created. The media manager will develop a plan to include answers for the present situation of the campaign and then lay out the four steps of the media plan.
For this Assignment, you will use your course product and determine an answer for the media plan questions; then you will provide information for the four steps of the media plan. This must be completed before you are able to create actual messages to be delivered.
Assignment Part 1:
Using your course product (Lexus UX), list and briefly describe or summarize what you would propose as answers for the seven questions a media plan should cover. (Provide one paragraph for each question. See the seven questions in your eText readings for this unit.)
Media plans are designed to answer the following questions: (1) who (target audience), (2) what for (objectives), (3) where (the media vehicles used), (4) where (geography), (5) when (time frame), (6) how big (media weight), and (7) at what cost (cost efficiency).
Assignment Part 2:
Using information from Part 1 of this Assignment, develop media for a product and complete the four steps in media planning. Use the Template for Unit 3 Assignment in Course Resources.
Review the complete Unit 3 Assignment details and rubric.
Mass Advertising:
- “Media Planning and Negotiation”
Moriarty, S., Mitchell, N., & Wells, W. (2015). Media planning and negotiation. In Advertising and IMC: Principles and practice (10th ed., Chapter 14). Pearson.
- “Visual Media”
Bovee, C., & Thill, J. V. (2014). Visual media. In Business communication today (12th ed., Chapter 9). Pearson.
Answer preview
A good media plan needs to cover several critical areas and answer specific questions. The first question to answer is who the target audience is. Media managers need to be specific about the people they want to reach (Bovee & Thill, 2014). There should be an understanding of who is likely to take interest in the product. The target audience guides the identification of the development of effective marketing strategies. Knowing the people to focus on will help the company to get the message in front of the right people. If the target population is relatively broad, then it should be broken down into sizeable groups…(1100 words)