Health Care Security Management Plan

Project: Health Care Security Management Plan


Health Care Security Management Plan


You should begin working on the Stand-Alone Project early in the course. Each assignment provides a benchmark for completing the Stand-Alone Project in a timely manner while working through the course. You will find this information in the “Stand-Alone Project Benchmark” section of each assignment.

The Medical Center of Hopeville is a leading health care organization; it specializes in pediatric health care and has an expanded network of physicians and pediatric specialists. It is the beginning of the fiscal budgetary year and all quality assessments, performance improvement projects, and staff justification proposals are due within the next 30 days. As the security administrator, you will have to revise the current security management plan and improve your overall security program.

Initiation of the security management plan will begin with a review of the current security management plan focusing on needed changes. The purpose of this part of the quality assessment is to review the effectiveness of your security management program in order to move forward with improvements and recommendations. You will also determine whether staffing is adequate to maintain the new responsibilities and ongoing activities of the revised security program. You will conduct a task analysis that will be the platform for your suggestions in requesting new staff and an increased budget in a written proposal to the executive leaders.

Once the quality assessment is complete, you will use the results to make a decision about a performance improvement project for the security department and organization. The purpose of the performance improvement project is to bring awareness to the organization for a collaborative effort in improving upon a specific component of the security management plan, such as poor staff performance, HIPAA, or emergency preparedness. Once both the quality assessment and performance improvement projects are complete, you will then develop communication tools to convey the information to the rest of the organization. This Stand-Alone Project is comprised of four parts. (300 points) (A 12-page response is required for the combination of parts A, B,)

Part AYou performed a review of the current security management program and determined that specific polices needed revising. Now you must develop policies to address the following topics.(90 points)
1.Incident Reporting (A 3-page response is required.) (30 points)
a.Address what types of incidents should be reported; include workplace violence. (6 points)
b.Address the expectations for reporting; keep in mind the zero-tolerance approach. (8 points)
c.Outline the procedures for reporting incidents. (8 points)
d.Outline appropriate responses to incidents; keep in mind any universal precautions. (8 points)
2.Performance Standards (A 3-page response is required.) (30 points)
a.Standards: Using the information provided on pages 59-60 of your textbook, develop your performance standards policy addressing the following details.  (15 points)
1)Knowledge and skills needed by the security staff
2)Monitoring, inspection, assessment, and survey activities of security staff
3)Preventative maintenance and testing of security equipment
4)Emergency procedures
b.Proposal:  Based on the evaluation and needs of security staff, you have determined that you need four full-time and two part-time security officers.  To receive funding for the additional resources, you must develop a proposal for your executive team outlining the following. (15 points)
1)Number of staff needed
2)Approximate amount of monetary increase in budget to fund
the new positions
3)How the new staff will provide a safer environment
4)How the staff members will be used – what type of duties will
be performed
Part BChoose a performance improvement project focusing on an area that needs   improvement.  (A 6-page response is required.)  (90 points)
1.Summary:  Use the sample quality assessment on page 53-54 of your textbook to determine the requirements for justifying your performance improvement project.  Keep in mind that the quality assessment should be based on the revised policies and procedures above.  (A 3-page response is required.)  (45 points)
2.Project Details:  Use the sample on page 55 of your textbook for the project proposal format.  (A 3-page response is required.)  (45 points)


Answer preview

Healthcare facilities, as well as hospitals, face different challenges and incidents that are unique as compared to other industries. Most of these incidents have no specific pattern when it comes to victim selection making responses unpredictable and expensive. This leads to unnecessary injuries and loss of life, which can be addressed by coming up with a valid Health Care Security Management Plan. This will help solve all the stakeholders and resources in the healthcare environment, which include the patients, staff, visitors…


(4000 words)

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