My topic is autonomous vehicles

2000 words essay

To Identify a contemporary or leading edge design, product or concept (DPC) that has the potential for significant societal impacts if widely deployed. The Social Impact Analysis Capstone Paper must provide formal research references to support the paper’s content and conclusions on your chosen topic. The literature resources might be scientific and engineering journal articles, popular publications, patents, copyrights, etc. You must use one of these standard citation styles (APA, MLA, Turabian, or Chicago) to cite your sources.

This is the proposal I wrote.

An autonomous vehicle or a self-driving car is a vehicle which is capable of sensingthe environment and driving safely with no human input. This kind of vehicles have now become a reality where computers take over the art of driving from humans. Autonomous vehicles combine many sensors to perceive the environment like radar, GPS, measurement units etc. We have been working on Automated Driving System (ADS) for nearly a century. Today, in the 21st century we humans still are not completely perfect on autonomous vehicles but in coming future we sure will be. Today’s ADS still rely heavily on our instructions, so they are not completely autonomous. Autonomous vehicles are very important because they are the future of coming generation. We have seen staggering technological changes in the past decades. It will not take much time for autonomous vehicles to completely take over the driving. Automated vehicle research is an extremely hot topic within the field of transportation. Autonomous driving is expected to revolutionize road traffic attenuating current externalities, especially congestion. Researchers and car manufactures have been working on and spending money into research on autonomous driving for years and significant amount of progress has been made. Now with the invention of 5G technology, the future of autonomous vehicle seems more realistic. But the main question regarding the autonomous vehicle is that, will it be ethical computers making and taking critical decisions for human. Though the future technology and successful programming lets us do incredible things, there is always thepotential for some glitch to emerge. Even a self-driving car performs flawlessly at first, it is possible that glitch occurred in the program which causes car accidents with self-driving cars. If we want the autonomous vehicles on the road in the future these cars should be able to make ethical decisions. Suppose a self-driving car is about to run over five people, if car decides to save those five people it has to turn the car which may lead to big accident and the driver might get killed and if the car decides to save the driver it has to run over those five people. What will the car do? Should we trust machines and computers on this kind of decisions

Answer preview
The term autonomous vehicle refers to the types of automobiles which have artificial intelligence and have unique capabilities of detecting the state of their surroundings and move without significant human intervention. These types of vehicles are recognized by other names such as self-driving vehicles, driverless cars, or robotic cars. Autonomous vehicles are actual embodiments of artificial intelligence, given that they possess numerous in-built sensors that are designed to help them perceive changes in their surroundings and to interpret these signals accordingly. Additionally, these interpretive faculties help the car to determine the most appropriate navigation route…
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