Article Critique of Holt, Weber, Morrison, & Horgan (2013)

This is the article that needs to be read…

Read the article by Holt, Weber, Morrison, and Horgan (2013) titled, “Twice Exceptional Learners’ Perspectives on Effective Learning Strategies.” Then write a critique on the article.

Article critiques include a summary of the article, some bibliographic information, and a critical reading of the content. In the critique section you ask yourself questions such as the ones presented below. Do not just answer each of these questions in one sentence. Put them in an essay format. For example if you say the article was easy to read, then supply examples or things that made it easy to read. Be specific. Use the format outlined below for typing up your article critique.

  • Use the following format for typing up your article critique.

Your Name (1 pt)

Reference Citation (Use APA format for the reference of the assigned article): (2 pts.)

Stockall, N., Dennis, L., & Miller, M. (2012). Right from the Start: Universal design for preschoolers. Teaching Exceptional Children45 (1), 10-17. (This is an example of how you format the title and pages. Of course yours will have a different title and author depending on what the article is in the unit.)

Article Summary: (2 pts)

The article entitled, “…………………………………………….,” was about……………………….. It described the ……………………………………… and the ………………………….. in schools.

Findings: (2 pts)

The primary findings of the article included…………..,…………………,……………….

Critique: (8 pts)

The article was important to the study of individuals with disabilities because ………………………

In the critique section you ask yourself and discuss questions such as these:

a. Was the article fluent and easy to read?

b. Why was the information important or not important to you?

c. Can the information be used in a practical way? How so?

d. Do you agree with the major points and premises? Does any of this resonate with other readings you’ve done inside or outside of this class?

e. What is one idea that impressed you? Why?

f. Is there anything that you are concerned about in the article?

g. Is there something that you would be interested in pursuing further?

Answer preview
The article entitled, “Twice-Exceptional Learners’ Perspectives on Effective Learning Strategies” was about the perceptions twice-exceptional learners have of the learning strategies available to them. It describes the learning strategies that teachers apply when teaching twice-exceptional learners and the attitudes…
(1000 words)
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