Getting the Facts Straight

This fourth post is based on Chapter 3: Getting the Facts Straight, Inside Reporting, 29

For Post 4, write a 500 -600 word discussion post based on the following questions: 1) Explain a ‘real world’ news story that dealt with the manipulation of images and or videos published in the news. Include a hyperlink to the relevant news story you found to support your explanation; this will also allow other students to view the story. 2) What can news organizations and news groups do to discourage manipulating images and videos in the news? 3) What has some news groups and organizations done to stop the use of altered and manipulated images? Provide at least one specific example.

This post should be written in complete sentences. This course is based on journalistic standards, which involves the practice of accuracy, correct grammar, spelling, punctuation and word usage. This means that all students should review and edit all work before submitting it. This course will be instructed in a professional academic environment.

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The importance of information has been on the rise as the human race advance and evolved into a global society. The sheer size of societal setups like communities, counties, districts, states, and countries that people live in tends to hinder the flow of information. With technological innovation, however, society has developed a means of passing information quickly via news outlets and other platforms. For this reason, accuracy is an essential component of any news, and inaccuracies in the dissemination of information violate the tenets of good journalism. While such conduct is abhorrible,..
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