Psychological and Behavioral Factors for Radicalization

Psychological and Behavioral Factors for Radicalization

250 word post: Explain what psychological and behavioral factors play a role in those ‘homegrown’ individuals becoming radicalized.

Explain what psychological and behavioral factors play a role in those ‘homegrown’ individuals becoming radicalized and conducting terrorist attacks within their own nation. Also, address at least one radicalization model mentioned that you feel accurately describes the process by which individuals become extremists.

Radicalization Models:

  1. Borum’s Pathway
  2. Wiktorowicz’s Theory of Joining Extremist Groups
  3. Moghaddam’s Staircase to Terrorism
  4. NYPD Radicalization Process
  5. Sageman’s Four Prongs Model

Answer preview

Terrorism is a major issue in most countries today. Individuals who are raised in a particular country may become radicalized and execute terrorist attacks in their home countries. That is facilitated by the following psychological and behavioral factors. Psychological factors for radicalization include individual motivation…

(300 words)

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