Wage and Salaries Issues

Wage and Salaries Issues

Review Questions
1.What are the general wage concerns that management andemployee representatives bring to the negotiating table?
2.Why have profit-sharing plans replaced COLAs in somerecently negotiated agreements?
3.Why have unions and employers negotiated more wageconcessions in recent years?
4.How can wage surveys be effectively used in collectivebargaining?
5.Why are labor and management negotiators likely to respondto consideration of the company’s ability to pay higher wages?
6.What are the pros and cons of two-tier pay systems?
7.Why must labor and management be able to determineaccurately the cost of wage propos
Answer preview
  1. Management and Employee Representatives General Wage Concerns

To employers, wages are part of production costs, which they try minimizing to increase profit margins. An organization’s ability to compete in the market and the pricing policy are significant determinants of wage variations by management (Arsov et al., 2018)…

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