Ownership and Stakeholder Theories

Ownership and Stakeholder Theories

  • Which theory (Ownership and Stakeholder) do you feel has more of an impact on the business environment? Provide an example from current events in the past 6 months that supports your position.
  • Respond to at least one of your classmates. Do you agree or disagree with their position? Provide at least one reason that is different from what they posted.

Answer preview

The stakeholder theory outlines that all the constituents of the company should be balanced, that is, not solely focusing on the shareholders. I believe that the shareholder theory has more impact on the business environment because it ensures a balance of profit maximization in the long run. The managers of the companies also ensure that the rights of the stakeholders are not violated and the interests of all are considered during decision making. An example of a sector which follows this theory is the cruise ship tourism. This sector has greatly improved over the years due to the cooperation of the stakeholders. The stakeholders ensure sound decisions are made that will push the firm to success. They also are the firm’s conscience. In the past few months, the cruise industry’s aim has been to analyze the mission statements of about 40 cruise lines employing different perspectives, one of them being the inclusion of stakeholder groups. The main concern was to use the mission statements to communicate to stakeholders and ensuring their interests are met. The stakeholder theory played a part in the success of the industry.


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