Number of Diabetic People in the US

Number of Diabetic People in the US

Research Question: Why is the number of diabetic people in the United States of America greater than other countries in the world?


proposed study design and sampling methods, including a summary of background information based on existing literature about your topic.

Include a 1-page (maximum) description of necessary background information on your topic based on existing literature. (Any background information will be assumed to be accurate. It will not be assessed, although any background material over 1 page will be ignored. Appropriate references must be provided for the background material.)

For the body of the assignment, describe your study design and sample selection methods, including how the sample will be identified from the population and recruited for the study. Include a brief description of sample size considerations. Finally, include an analysis of selection biases that could occur with this study design and population and steps to minimize them. (1.5 pages)

The study needs to have measurable outcomes: how do you plan on measuring your dependent and independent variables to examine this research question? You could use an ecologic study but I always advise my students against that because there are certain aspects of design that you will not be able to discuss with an ecologic design. Be more specific when considering which populations you plan on including


Answer Preview

The diabetes federation indicates that diabetes has become more prevalent among the American youth who are testing for the lifestyle condition at a very high rate. In 2015, statistics from the American Diabetes Federation indicated that 10% of the American population lived with diabetes. There has been a gradual increase as these figures now indicate that over…

(911 Words)

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