the benefits or drawbacks of a dress code

the benefits or drawbacks of a dress code

High schools, restaurants, work places, and the military all use dress codes. Think about the reasons for instituting dress codes and why they might be enforced in each case. Then, select one example of the use of dress codes. Write an essay in which you argue the benefits or drawbacks of a dress code in that situation.

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While some groups are pushing for high school dress codes to be mandatory others feel that it is biased especially on girls. Schools have been facing challenges in regulating the dress codes for students in high school since there are various setback and benefits associated with it. Wearing designed dress codes in high school lessens cases of sexual assault, harassment, and bullying. For girls especially, wearing clothes that reveal too much makes them vulnerable to sexual harassments and in other cases abuse but with school dress codes such cases may be mitigated if not prevented (Brunsma, 2016). Also, it may address the issue of bullying which is extreme in high schools. Some acts of bullying may stem from some students who wear shabby, inexpensive or odd clothes compared to others may be due to differences in social classes. Such students are targeted as they are considered to have a poor taste but with school dress code policies such situations may be prevented as there will be rules to follow. Imposing dress codes in high schools will create uniformity among the students thus giving them an identity as students.


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