SWOT Analysis

Go to the following web site:


This website explores all types of careers in business.

Part of a SWOT analysis is the internal strengths and weaknesses within a firm. The degree to which the workforce within a firm is capable and skilled can impact this type of internal analysis.

Part 1: Explore this website and identify the top 5 skills needed to work in a business and why (give examples to support your thinking).

Part 2: Discuss with your classmates the similarities and differences you have identified.

Part 3: How can the workforce be determined as a strength or a weakness in an internal analysis?

Answer preview

Part 1: Explore this website and identify the top 5 skills needed to work in a business and why (give examples to support your thinking).

The top five skills identified from the website are communication skills, creative ability, analytical skills, and people skills (Careers-in-Business.com). The five identified skills are essential in the world of business since they contribute to the success of a company. For instance, individuals interested in a career in the business field are required to know how to communicate effectively with stakeholders, negotiate deals reasonably and understand the customer’s attitudes…

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