Paid, Owned and Earned media


Please follow the instruction below.

  • Paid, Owned and Earned media: Which is Most Valuable?

In one page, discuss which of the three types of media (paid, owned or earned) is the most valuable in the customer experience equation. Make sure you discuss how you are defining ‘valuable’ and share your reasons for choosing the media type you did.

According to my previous assignment that you did it for me before a week , I would like to answer this qeustion I posted right now.

I attached the previous assignment, please find it.

  • Paid, Owned and Earne
  • d media: Which is Most Valuable? << choose one that you think is the most valuable and explain why as I explained in the question.

Answer preview

Among the three types of media, customers have varied tastes in the various touchpoints used by any of these media types.  The value is the weight a customer will place on specific touchpoint information regarding a brand. Therefore, the same brand might be displayed, advertised or talked about through various touchpoints in the three types of media, but a customer will eventually make decision-based on the information on certain touchpoints that seem to prove the authenticity of the products. Customers will place the value on reviews of those that have purchased or used the product or service. In this case, therefore, earned media is likely to get the customer’s attention…


(350 words)

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