7 Business Questions – Answer must be 2-3 Paragraphs each per question
1. What are the important differences between a “capitalist – free market” economy and a “socialist” economy? Which do you prefer for the U.S. and why?
Use personal examples to show me you understand the two economic types.
2. How important are ethics in business and is it possible for a company or an organization to be operating legally but not be operating ethically? If it is possible, please explain how this could occur.
Use personal examples to show me you understand ethics and its importance in a company and our society.
3. What is a SWOT Analysis and how is it used? Could it be beneficial for an individual to do a SWOT Analysis on themselves?
4. Is money, paying employees more $$$, the best long-term motivator for employees or are there other, better things a manager can do to provide long-term motivation and job satisfaction? Explain. Use examples from your work history if possible
5. What constitutes “Sexual Harassment” and specifically “who” is subject to the sexual harassment laws? Do you believe that the recent increase in sexual harassment allegations is justified? Why or Why not?
6. What is “market segmentation” and why is it done? Give specific examples in your everyday life.
7. Marketing, especially “Promotion,” has been criticized as adding unnecessary cost to products and increasing both consumer and business costs. Is this a valid criticism? Explain. Use examples from your life.
Remember to use at least 2 paragraphs, preferably 3. A paragraph is more than two sentences.
.doc file | Discussion | 7 pages, Double spaced
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There are several differences between capitalist and socialist economic systems. A primary difference is the level of freedom in each of them. Capitalist markets are freer in that they allow the market to self-regulate and stabilize itself. The factors of demand and supply determine the most favorable prices and the flow of goods into the market at a given time. The communist economies are less free as they are subject to continuous repetitive government intervention, which determines the demand, supply, and pricing of goods in the market. The pricing of face masks since March 2020 is a clear personal example of the differences above. In the beginning, face masks were pricy and scarce. In capitalist economies, supply increased, and the price went down to an affordable rate. In contrast, in communist economies, the government
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