9/11 attack essay

9/11 attack essay

For this major assignment, you will reflect on the 9/11 attack and its influence on the homeland security function. Continuing with the scenario introduced in the Week 2 Project, assume that your Senate-candidate client intends to make homeland security a focus of his efforts and has commissioned a report to highlight key areas of need.

Prepare a report in 6–8 pages in Microsoft Word that covers the following points:

  • Explain the influence of faulty intelligence sharing on the 9/11 attack. Compare and contrast law enforcement information sharing before 9/11 and today.
  • Describe and evaluate the value of Joint Terrorism Task Forces. Select one particular JTTF to serve as an example. Describe the individual components of the selected JTTF and provide an example of a successful operation.
  • Aside from JTTFs, identify and describe other examples of multijurisdictional cooperation in matters of homeland security. In what other ways do we see federal, state, local, and private organizations sharing the burdens related to securing the nation?
  • Analyze the threats posed to U.S. security by illegal immigration and the challenges of border protection. Specify the several ways that insecure borders may present a threat to security, keeping in mind that terrorism may only be part of the overall picture.
  • Evaluate the initiatives to combat the threats identified in the previous sections.

Cite your sources in APA format.

Answer preview

9/11 attack was the worst and horrible attack to happen in the American territory. The event involved the attack of the upper tower of the World Trade Center.  During this tragedy, the lives of many people were lost, and the property was lost as well. Up to date, more people sustain disabilities which were emanated from this heinous activity. 9/11 attack depicted the incompetence of US security intelligence and terrorism combativeness. It portrayed that there is a gap in the US security that needed to be filled. After 9/11, the public was horrified and frightened, and they wanted something to be done to protect US territory from such terrorist activities in the future (Paust, 2003). In response to the overpowering public concern about public safety and security, various amendments and policies were put place.  One of the notable changes was that the people freedom was robbed to promote homeland security. Similarly, various changes were done in the US Department of law enforcement to improve intelligence and terrorism mitigation. Up to date, Congress is making various changes to enhance national security.  In this regard, 9/11 portrayed faulty in the information sharing in the US intelligence agency, and there are still more changes that need to be done to strengthen Homeland Security.

Influence of The of Faulty Intelligence Sharing on the 9/11 Attack

The law enforcement agency is also blamed after the September 11 attack.  According to Pillar (2011), the USA intelligence agencies such as Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as well as the other intelligence…

(2000 words)

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