A People’ History of the Second World War; Resistance versus Empire

Book review of A People’s History of the Second World WarResistance Versus Empire by Donny Gluckstein

Write a book review on A People’s History of the Second World WarResistance versus Empireby Donny Gluckstein , between 1200-1750 words in length.

Your review should have at least two goals: First, to describe the content of the book, and second, to provide a critical evaluation that gives your thoughts of the book’s quality.

Your introduction should include a thesis statement: What was the book about, and what is your critical opinion. (Hint: When I write, sometimes, I am unclear as to what my thesis is until I have written the the paper. It can work to write (or at least revise) your introduction after the rest of your paper is finished).

Do not spend more than one-third (total) of the paper summarizing the book. The summary should consist of a discussion and highlights of the major arguments, features, trends, concepts, themes, ideas, and characteristics of the book. While you may use direct quotes from the book (make sure you always give the page number), such quotes should never be the bulk of the summary. Much of your grade will depend on how well you describe and explain the material in your own words.

Throughout your paper, interspersed with the summary, I want you to provide a critique of the book. Demonstrate that you know the author’s argument, that you understand the evidence he provides, and discuss why you find the argument compelling (or not).

Book can be found in PDF form on: http://oapen.org/search?identifier=642695

Answer preview

A People’s History of the Second World War book describes the happenings of the Second World War in different countries as written by its author Donny Gluckstein. The author has unearthed the Second World War undoubtedly; he discussed the Second World War as it happened in several countries. Part one of the book, Donny Gluckstein, covers countries like Yugoslavia, Greece, Poland and Latvia and their contributions to the war, part two of the book, France, Britain, and the USA are covered. Germany, Austria, and Italy are too discussed in section three, and part four, India, Indonesia and Vietnam countries are analyzed. This paper gives reviews to the great work of Donny Gluckstein book significant arguments, some of the themes that are present in the book, features of the book, concept and ideas and critiques of the book…

(1200 words)

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