ebola virus

Research a virus of your choice

Hello please follow the steps below. thank you so much.

Research a virus of your choice. Write a 500 word paper describing the virus (1″ margins, double spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font).

The research must include the following:

-Organisms that can be infected with the virus

-How the virus infects/life cycle of the virus

-Structure of the virus

-Stats on the virus

-Current treatments (if any)

-Any additional information relevant to your virus

Answer preview

Ebola virus affects human beings and nonhuman primates such as chimpanzees, monkeys, and gorillas. It affects the RNA and multiplies at a higher speed especially when in their host. Its outbreak mostly occurs in the regions of sub-Sahara in Africa. They are known to cause the disease known as hemorrhage of Ebola virus disease. Ebola virus is a virulent pathogen that belongs to the Filoviridae family together with Marburg virus…

(550 words)

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