A Research Proposal for A Project on Welfare Programs and Poverty Eradications Among African Americans

A Research Proposal for A Project on Welfare Programs and Poverty Eradications Among African Americans

AHS 6640 week 7 final project part 1

Introduction to Week 7 Final Project

This assignment is not due until Day 7, of Week 7

There are 3 parts to your Final Project. The expectation is that you work on a portion of your Final Project every week.

Project Proposal: Part 1

You are being asked to develop a proposal for a new project that could fill a gap in current human service delivery for one of the client populations and/or contemporary social issues discussed in the course. Your project should incorporate best practices that are grounded in current research and ethical standards.

Submit an 8- 10 page APA styled paper describing the proposed project using the format below.

In addition to a title page and a reference page, the paper must include the following sections:

  1. Rationale for the project – Why is this project needed? What has current research revealed that made you determine that there is a need for your project? [This section should be written in the appropriate APA format. Citations and a reference list are required.]
  2. Project Description – Describe how you plan to address the client population(s) and/or contemporary social issue(s). Include the following:
    • Goals and objectives for the project – What are the goals of your project; how will you achieve your goals?
    • Clients the project will serve – Who (specifically) is your target population?
    • Potential referral sources – How will you get your clients?
    • Format of the project – How will the project be structured?
    • What are the components of your project?
    • Project evaluation – How will you evaluate the effectiveness of your project?
  3. Human services professionals and support staff needed – Why?
  4. Credentials of professional and support staff needed – Why?
  5. Facilities/equipment needed
  6. Proposed budget needed to fund the project – [This section needs to include an itemized budget sheet.]
    • Staff,
    • Facilities,
    • Equipment,
    • Any other money that you will need to effectively administer your project.
    • Final Project- Sample Budget

      Attached Files:
      Use this budget as a guide to create a budget that includes revenue and expenses. Please note, your budget will be for one year — not three.
Answer preview

A Rationale for the Project 

The project purpose will be to establish welfare programs as the most effective strategies for addressing poverty among the Africans Americans in efforts for enhancing social equality in the US. The results of the project would help to establish a foundation for the organization long-term plan in the agenda in poverty eradication among minority groups in the country (Pelton, 2015). According to Alexander (2010) child welfare programs that take poor children out of their homes impact children like the institutional systems such as the juvenile courts.  Much as there is evidence of high poverty in the US current research shows different views on the importance of welfare programs in decreasing poverty. According to Chaudry et al. (2016), if the food stamps programs problems are fixed to ensure many people receive the benefits the poverty gaps would be restored. According to Banerjee et al. (2017), there are stereotypes prevalence that welfare programs among the poor discourage work.  The objection to this is that work isn’t available in the first place. However, there is a need to determine if beneficiaries of welfare programs over a long period are likely to default employment should an opportunity arise. The cash transfer programs which are available in many other of the developed and the developing countries have proved to reduce poverty. There is a prevalence in the belief that poverty is a result of laziness.

Another body of research such as Torrens et al. (2016) shows that in other countries like Brazil the cash programs have a significant impact on the health outcomes of a population. In other words, cash transfer has been considered widely as a social protection strategy that aims to move people out of extreme poverty. Although there is enough evidence that the programs like the cash transfers have the potential to eradicate poverty there are concerns on whether the programs are efficiently understood and how beneficiaries…

(2500 words)
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