abstract 2132

abstract 2132

Abstracts must be typed double-spaced with 1″ margins.

No fonts larger than 12 point are to be used. Abstracts should be 1-1/2 to 2 pages in length.

Neatness (spelling grammar, appearance) counts. Do not use a

cover sheet. Any variation from the above format will result in loss of points. Abstracts may

be graded by an English grader for grammar and spelling, and I will grade for content. An

Averaged score will be given.

This is how it should look like.


Bibliography Citation


Author, “Title of Article”, Title of Periodical, date, page number(s).


Body (in your own words)


State briefly the content and main points of the article. Presentation of the

information in a logical, free flowing manner is imperative — a person should be

able to read your abstract and understand the main points without having to

read the article itself.




Critique the article as it relates to:

1. Content

2. Value to the profession

3. Methodology to apply content of the article

4. Other comments


Answer preview
The management and prevention of fires is a discussion that has received significant attention. There are guidelines and regulations in place to reduce the occurrence of a=of fires and improve safety. The prevention of passive fires and that of active fires complements each other. There are several ways prevention could be achieved, for example, automatic detection and fire resistance rated construction. At the forefront is the use of sprinkler systems. It is accurate to say that the use of sprinkler systems does not guarantee absolute protection from fires, but its reliability cannot be understated. There is a lower risk of fire and associated losses in high-rise building fires than in other buildings of the same property use, the experience is most likely due to the increased presence of sprinkler protection and fire-resistance-rated construction in high-rise buildings (Koffel, 2018)…
(650 words)
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