African culture

Your cultural journal is a place for reflection and for connecting the topics we learn about in class with assigned activities, your experiences and observations.

Unit 1 is designed to increase your:

  1. Understanding of terms (culture, nationality, race and ethnicity) and frameworks (the cultural context of behavior; week 1).
  2. Understanding of etics and emics and cultural worldviews, in particular horizontal and vertical forms of individualism and collectivism (week 2).
  3. Understanding of enculturation and acculturation, in particular acculturation agents and strautegies (week 3).

Cultural Journal #1:

Please respond to the following prompt:

Your assignment should be 300 words in length. You must use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. Remember that the purpose of this assignment is for you to reflect on the qestions that are posed and relate your reflections to topics that we cover in class. The goal is reflection and course connection. Please be thoughtful in your responses.

Assessment Criteria: Your journal will be graded based on being turned in on time, length, writing quality, conceptual accuracy and course connections. Points will be deducted:

  • for journals that do not meet the length requirement (your maximum score will be based on the number of words you write).
  • (one point) for every two writing errors.
  • for content that is conceptually or factually inaccurate.
  • if there are no course connections.

Answer preview

According to (Desmet, Ortuño-Ortín, & Wacziarg, 2017). The African emic is believed that a parent is supposed to sleep with their children for quite some years to bond with them and offer security. At the same time, their siblings are supposed to take care of the infants. Also, ancestors believed that small girls and boys are not supposed to sleep in the same room, which is a norm that has been internalized to our today’s lifestyle. Most Africans are farmers who live entirely off the food they grow themselves, such as maize, plantains,

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African culture
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