In a 6-8 page paper, analyze a General Patton’s performance in the Battle of the Bulge. This analysis should evaluate how effectively or ineffectively the commander executed 4 of the 7 mission command principles: competence, mutual trust, shared understanding, commander’s intent, mission orders, discipline initiative, and risk acceptance. Discuss how the command’s use those principles affected the battle’s outcome.
Summary of the battle should be very brief. Aside from the introduction paragraph, limited to one paragraph total for background information of the commander.
Minimum of 5 scholarly sources- cite all sources according to Chicago style (endnotes and bibliography)
Provide a powerpoint no more than 12 slides based paper.
4 of the 7 principles that are need are located in this PDF.
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A high level of collaboration is an important element of leadership capabilities demonstrated by the general throughout the battle. He had once written that ”leadership is the thing that wins the battle.”[i]Midlevel commanders and staff who were working with Patton and officers like Koch had the same mindset that losing the war was unthinkable. When his 26th and 80th infantry matched for Bastogne against doubt by Eisenhower assistants, they collaboratively maneuvered, achieving great performance. Members of the US Third Army had the same aggressiveness, confidence, and determination to succeed in this battle. Initially, Patton underestimated German strength. Then Bradley demonstrated the extent of Germany’s