Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Choose 1 of the first 10 amendments and select at least three peer-reviewed articles about the amendment you have selected. Look specifically for articles that focus on current events or controversies related to the amendment and be prepared to summarize the content of each article. Prepare an annotated bibliography of your research.

Include the following:

  • For each article, write details such as the article title, author name, journal title, and publication date.
  • Write a summary of each article in 200–250 words.
  • Write the conclusions you have drawn from research and your opinion in 1–2 paragraphs.
  • Write a reference list of the selected articles in APA style.

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The Fourth Amendment protect people from unreasonable seizures and searches of their property. It protects individuals against arbitrary arrests and forms the basis of the various laws which regards to safety inspections, the warrants of search, wiretaps, stop-and-frisk, and other…

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