AP Manufacturing Budget Management Project

AP Manufacturing Budget Management Project

The deliverable in this assignment is three Pro Forma Monthly Cash Flow Statements and a one page narrative. The narrative will discuss factors that could cause a deviation from the projection, and what steps could be taken to address any unfavorable deviations. See the “Key Assumptions” section to help identify these factors. Relevant project data and a template for the Pro Forma Cash Flow Statements are given below.
Project Background
AP Manufacturing is a specialty manufacture and has recently entered into a one year contract to produce product’s A and B. AP Manufacturing receives the order for the exact number of units at the beginning of each month, and manufactures and delivers all units before the end of that month. AP Manufacturing receives payment in full the month after product delivery. Materials must be purchased with cash. All employees are independent contractors, and are paid at the end of each month for hours worked. The project will run from January 1st through December 31st. Rent and electric bills are paid at the end of each month. AP Manufacturing’s beginning cash balance is $650,000. 
Equipment Purchase and Loan Data
AP Manufacturing will incur one time equipment costs at the initiation of the project of $250,000. This will be partially financed with a $210,000 bank loan. The balance will be paid in cash. See the terms of the loan below;
Loan Information
Interest Rate:6.50%
Loan Term: 12 Months12 Months
Payment due date:28th of Each Month
The first 11 payments are interest only, the final payment includes that months interest and the loan principal.
Sales Forecast
AP Manufacturing is paid $245 per unit for product A and $475 per unit for product B. The number of units ordered is seasonal and varies based on demand. The below matrices estimate unit demand in above average, average, and below average economic conditions. To project unit demand in a particular month, take a weighted average of the three scenarios. Round to the closest unit.
Probability that economic conditions are above average30%
Probability that economic conditions are average40%
Probability that economic conditions are below average30%
Demand for Product ADemand for Product B
Above Average Economy2,436 UnitsAbove Average Economy912 Units
Average Economy2,014 UnitsAverage Economy740 Units
Below Average Economy1,601 UnitsBelow Average Economy612 Units
Above Average Economy2,577 UnitsAbove Average Economy900 Units
Average Economy2,128 UnitsAverage Economy708 Units
Below Average Economy1,644 UnitsBelow Average Economy580 Units

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In most cases, there is always a deviation from the projected income values in the actual values. The assumptions made in the forecast of the market demand and the purchase prices and the sale prices are likely to change. In this case of AP manufacturing where all the purchases and sales are paid on cash basis deviation factors would include changes in the material costs over the years. The material costs based on the market conditions at the beginning of the year. As the products demand is expected to raise so are the changes in the price of materials. For an increase in the material or labor costs, a negative deviation in the cash flow incomes will be noted…

(350 words)
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