Instructions. You are to read the Army White Paper, The Profession of Arms, dated 8 December 2010.Prepare an essay addressing the importance of the role of Human Resources Sergeant in the Profession of Arms. The paper must be at least two pages and written IAW the Army writing style. Use APA format, Arial font, 12 pitch.
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Furthermore, understanding how culture promotes goal achievement in the organization and molds behavior is essential in the army profession. Culture acts as the glue that binds units and influences the creation of a healthy working environment. The army’s culture includes tangible and intangible phenomena. The tangibles entail flags, uniforms, and special ceremonies celebrated in the military (Dempsey, 2010). The intangible elements are the beliefs and values published in policy statements and doctrines which influence behavior. Further, moral assumptions in the workforce promote the army’s culture, where humanity and ethics come in handy. In this case, human actions such as helping distressed soldiers and their families show how the soldiers value each other.