Art survey


Assignment Introduction

An important element of this course is to identify and interpret the art that surrounds us. We may often overlook how the principles of art and design are present in daily objects and experiences.

For this assignment, consider a common object you encounter in your daily life. This can be an object in your home, a billboard or building you pass in your daily routine, a calendar or statue in a colleague’s office, an advertisement, a piece of jewelry—the choices are endless. Consider this object again within the context of the design principles you have encountered thus far in the course.

Assignment Requirements

In essay format, answer the following questions about the object:

  1. Describe the object within a larger cultural context: To accomplish this, identify and describe the object of interest in a detailed paragraph. Is this a common object in contemporary American culture? What connections between culture and the object can be made?
  2. Identify underlying values that shape your personal reaction to the object: To accomplish this, identify what properties of this object appeal to your senses, whether negatively or positively. Is your response primarily emotional or based on more objective elements?
  3. Identify how scholarly concepts relate to artistic expression: To accomplish this, discuss how the concepts or principles of design you have encountered in the course best apply regarding this object. Expand on why these concepts seem to apply, using enough detail to indicate your understanding of these principles.
  4. Analyze the object using aesthetic judgments to generalize social reactions: How does this change your perception of this object, if it does? If not, why not? Do you think your perception of this object is shared in larger society? Why or why not?

Assignment Requirements

  • Title: Title your paper using the name of the object or image selected.
  • Structure: Develop your paper using the essay format described above.
  • Length: 1–2 pages.
  • Written Communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA Formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Turnitin: Submit your assignment to Turnitin.

Once you have completed your assignment, submit it in the assignment area of the courseroom.

Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click on the linked resources for helpful writing information.



For this discussion, review the New York Times ( ) and CQ Researcher (…articles and the two NPR radio episodes EPISODE 1 : (…) EPISODE2 (…from this unit’s first study. Then offer your opinion on the following questions.

Who should own art? Native American art, Holocaust art, artifacts from ancient tombs—things that are now in exhibits for the world to see—were once the property of their respective cultures and were often removed from those cultures by force. Do these works of art or artifacts belong to the world, or to their original owners? Please provide your rationale.


In the introduction of An Introduction to Art Criticism, you read about “The Search for Standard Features.” For this discussion, you will be expected to think about that process and apply it to a work of art, using some of the language of art analysis.

To help you get started, review this four-step process:

  1. Name and describe the facts. Simply identify the objects in the artwork by describing what you see.
  2. Analyze the facts. Using the language of art, describe what elements of the artwork catch your attention. These could be elements such as shapes, lines, colors, or textures.
  3. Interpret the evidence. Based upon what you learned in steps 1 and 2, what do you think the artwork is about? What ideas, moods, emotions, messages, or stories do you think the artwork communicates?
  4. Judge the work of art. Do the objects, elements, and meaning of the artwork achieve the desired result, in comparison with other works of art?

Now consider the example below:

The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli appears on page 635 in our Art History textbook. Closely examine the painting. You are also encouraged to peruse the Internet for a more detailed critical analysis of the painting.

  1. Name and describe the facts. In the center of the image, a naked woman is standing in a large seashell on the seashore. Two winged creatures are floating in the air to the left of center. Another woman to the right of center is holding a cloak or cape.
  2. Analyze the facts. The women and floating beings are light-colored, making them stand out from the natural and earthly features of water and seashore. The floating beings seem to be blowing, causing the women’s hair, clothing, and cloak to be move.
  3. Interpret the evidence. This step requires some understanding of history. Our Art History text is a resource for this information. Botticelli used some new Renaissance techniques to communicate a myth from the ancient world. According to the myth, the goddess Venus emerged from the sea on a seashell. The shell is blown to shore by the Zephyr wind gods. A nymph reaches out with a cloak to cover the naked goddess.
  4. Judge the work of art. This painting is one of the most treasured works of art from the Renaissance. It hangs in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.

Making Your Initial Post

Now, for this discussion, select an image from Chapters 1–4 in our Art History textbook( IMAGE IS ATTACHED) Be sure to cite your selection so that we can follow your critical analysis( Fourth Dynasty, c. 2575–2450 bce. Erected by (from the left) Menkaure, Khafre, and Khufu. Limestone and granite, height of pyramid of Khufu, 450′ (137 m). PAGE 57)

Follow the four-step process to name and describe the facts; analyze the facts using some of the language of art; explain what ideas, moods, emotions, or messages you think the artwork communicates; and offer your overall judgment of the artwork and how you reached that judgment. Resources and citations must be formatted according to APA style and formatting.

Post your results in the discussion area. Remember, this is our first practice, so keep it simple to start—but try to cover each step.

Answer preview
An ordinary object I encounter in my daily life is the Flamingo Sculpture located at the Federal Plaza, near the Kluczynski Federal Building in Chicago. The Flamingo, made in the year 1974, is one of Alexander Calder’s public art stabile sculptured from steel (Warren, 2010). The flamingo has a conscious orange-red color identified as Calder red. The flamingo sculpture is a familiar object in the contemporary American culture. In fact, the American flamingo is one of the flamingo species from North America…
(450 words)
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