Autism treatment program

Structured teaching, including TEACCH, has been used for numerous years in the United States and internationally. While research has been conducted on the efficacy of this intervention strategy, most of the success of the program is largely due to the preparation of those implementing it. As with other interventions, TEACCH and other structured teaching methods have benefits and limitations with which you should be familiar.

In this Discussion, you will analyze TEACCH and other structured approaches to teaching and share them with your Instructor and colleagues.

Post an explanation of the benefits and limitations of structured approaches (i.e., TEACCH), and further describe behaviors for which structured approach interventions are most appropriate. Support your explanation with the resources and an article you found in your search.

Answer preview

TEACCH is a research-based autism treatment program (Siu, Lin, & Chung, 2019). TEACCH is primarily concerned with the design of the physical and visual environment. The classrooms are designed to accommodate the issues or behaviors that people with autism may face while also teaching them how to act in suitable and acceptable ways (McLay,  Hansen, and Carnett, 2019). TEACCH emphasizes that structure provides a solid framework for learning for children with autism, so the physical layout, pictured routines, and pictured work processes are all critical. In addition to the structured teaching practices, the approach emphasizes a thorough understanding of autism, collaboration with families, individualized evaluation when planning and implementing strategies, and skill development across the curriculum (Spencer, Evmenova, Boon, & Hayes-Harris, 2014). The benefit of the structure approaches is that they provide a consistent structure for a student within a classroom and help them learn. It encourages learning through the development of skills. Assessing the individuals ensures that the structure is used to meet the needs of given individuals and addresses their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, TEACCH ensures there is a smooth transition when moving from one class to another or one subject to another.

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